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MS AZURE DevOps Course Introduction

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to your end users. Azure DevOps is a set of services that gives you the tools you need to do just that. With Azure DevOps, you can build, test, and deploy any application, either to the cloud or on premises. DevOps practices that enable transparency, cooperation, continuous delivery and continuous deployment become embedded in your software development lifecycle.

Introduction to Azure DevOps:

The Azure platform is full of flexible DevOps workflows. Microsoft provides the following services for DevOps in their Azure cloud platform.

Visual Studio Team Services: Services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software.

Visual Studio Mobile Center: Mission control for your mobile apps.

Visual Studio: Integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft.

HockeyApp: Deploy mobile apps, collect feedback and crash reports, and monitor usage.

Xamarin in Azure: Xamarin a framework that enables rapid development and testing of mobile apps in the cloud, xamarin can deploy to multiple platforms from a single codebase and xamarin test cloud can test your application in real devices in the cloud.

MS AZURE DevOps Online Training Course Content

  • Fundamentals of Azure Cloud
  • Introduction Azure DevOps
  • Source Control Management (SCM)
  • Continuous Integration (CI)
  • Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Continuous Testing
  • Artifactory Management
  • Infrastructure As A Code (IaaC) (Target audience is Infrastructure People)
  • Feedback Amplification
  • Release Management
  • Fundamentals of Powershell
  • NextGen DevOps(only Fundamentals – Full course will be separate)
  • End-to-end DevOps Implementation for any web application/API project

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